
I know I haven’t been posting and writing as much, but I told myself that I’d get in the habit of at least trying to post something (whether it be an actual blogpost or just an update post) every other Sunday, so here it goes. ;)

  • Residency is kicking my butt, and living in between two cities (in between doctor appointments at UPenn) isn’t exactly helping. But I’m doing it! I love being an ER resident again. ;) Being a doctor-patient is truly a privilege. Yes, I tell some of patients my story (and some even recognize me from the news/social media/whatever, which is even more interesting).

  • I became an Ambassador for Safebeat Initiative, which is a nonprofit program aimed to help screen young people for heart disease and arrhythmias at an early age. Check out their website for more info.

  • I have done a few speaking gigs since my last post, including (but not limited to 😂): FIX19, OMED, Grand Rounds at Einstein Health, Philly AHA Heartwalk. I also helped record a radio clip for Gift of Life, which should be out soon. And there have been a few more podcasts…

  • OK now I feel like I’m just bragging, so I need to stop.

  • Halloween is my favorite holiday ever and I spent it with my cousin, who was visiting me from California… so I’ll end the post with the photo of the night:
