
Yeah, so:

  • I went home (to Los Angeles) for the first time in almost two years last week and it was pretty nice, but I think that my heart is set on staying on the East Coast. I’ve been saying this since I was, like, three. I think I can officially say that: I left my heart in Philadelphia. Right? ;)

  • It’s been a crazy time at work. Just wanted to remind all of you doctors, nurses, techs, PAs, medics, all of you … that I love you. Thank you for what you do. Please read my little thing in JACC if you are ever feeling jaded. It is free to download and I heard that it’s a tearjerker.

  • IT’S ALMOST MY ONE YEAR HEARTIVERSARY! WHAT THE F&%#! HOW. DID. THIS. HAPPEN. Here is a “gallery” of some of my memories of this year. Old heart to new heart, prednisone weight gain journey, starting to exercise all over again to forgetting to exercise because work’s in the way all the time (hashtag resident problems), being on the red carpet with some amazing gals… what a year…


