
I know that I haven’t blogged in a VERY long time. There has been SO much going on, which I feel like is what I write in every other blog post. But for real, since the last blog post, I have gotten a whole new left hip joint, so there are tons of things to discuss. I also feel like I am constantly updating my social media posts, and who reads this blog anyway, and why even do this … and then I remember that journaling really does help me process everything. I actually just got this app that’s supposed to help me with my everyday emotions called “Daylio” (I know— SUCH a millennial— but at least I’m not getting free scrubs or eyeliner to write that out). We will see how that goes. So yes, since my last post:

  • I was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of my hip joints. My left one was so bad that I needed an urgent hip replacement and, voila, here I am. Recovering and on medical leave. It’s kind of like that one time last year, except 100000x easier. 😂

  • I have become closer with my organ donor’s family. I have written about her a couple of times in my blog, of course, but now I am very excited to tell all of you even more about her! Her name was Lucy. And she was awesome. And her mom has been sending me so many beautiful photos of her. Her family and friends tell me stories about her and she was so loved, so so loved. It is such an honor to be living with her heart. Lucy, e.e. cummings once admirably wrote: “I carry your heart with me, I am never without it…” ♥️

  • I have finished 4 months of ICU-Doctor-Training and WOAH. I still feel like I know nothing. Imposter Syndrome will always be a thing in my book. I will say that it has been especially nice connecting with patients and families on such a deep level in the different ICUs, especially since I have been through some of what some of our patients are going through. With that being said, the days can be exhausting and long. I still absolutely love it, though.

  • More interesting post to come soon. I will elaborate on everything that has happened to me. With lots of dark humor, of course.

  • Please don’t forget to vote! 🙏
