
As I sit here, on my bed, from my new studio apartment in New York City, I think to myself, “I FINALLY MADE IT!” I haven’t been able to blog much because I’ve been so busy. I was working a lot, and then there was that global pandemic, graduating residency, some health issues, moving out of both Harrisburg and Philadelphia… and getting my butt to New York City to start fellowship.

In between the move and graduation, we had demonstrations all over the nation (and the world) to bring light to social justice issues. I am 100% with Black Lives Matter, and couldn’t be prouder of our generation for everything that has been going on to make some changes these days.

As far as my health goes — I started having a lot of severe lower extremity muscle cramps and realized that I was suffering from statin-induced myopathy. I had to stop one of my medications and am now seeing if this is helping. Oh I also forgot to mention that I had a rejection scare in May. I had to get a biopsy done because some of my bloodwork came back a little bit abnormal— yep, it’s been a crazy couple of months.

I told you!

I mean what can I say— I am only human.

So while I try to settle some things out and start my new chapter in life, I will update you all some more. In the meantime, I am SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. Now, onto some more unpacking.
